Joke of the Day
Thayde: What did Iron Man say to Spider-man?
Josh: What?
Thayde: Stop bugging me.
Video Game Quote of the Day
“You were almost a Jill sandwich!”
Resident Evil
Video Game Trivia
Batman: Arkham Asylum was almost rhythmic
During the early stages of development, Batman: Arkham Asylum was prototyped as a rhythmic action game. The second prototype focused on 2D fighting, which would pop up whenever enemies were engaged, and involved colored circles bashing into each other. Both of these failed attempts fueled the basis of the final combat system.
Comic Book Trivia
Office Space
What do we know about the Hulk? Even if you’re not a big fan you now he’ll join the party if Bruce Banner is angry and that he’s (usually) green. However, the Hulk was originally supposed to be grey. The printing press kept messing up and printing the Hulk as green. Instead of deal with the issue for the foreseeable future, the Hulk stayed grey for a few issues before becoming green again.