Joke of the Day
Pedro: What do you get when you cross a superhero with a potato?
Ordep: What?
Pedro: Spuderman!
Video Game Quote of the Day
“Would you kindly…”
Video Game Trivia
Lara Croft was originally Laura Cruz
Core Design animator Toby Gard wanted to make an interactive movie starring a male character looking for treasure in Egyptian pyramids. The character was deemed too close to Indiana Jones, and was quickly switched to a South American woman named Laura Cruz. Core ended up wanting a U.K. friendly name, so Core employees dove into a phone book and settled on the name “Croft.”
Comic Book Trivia
Long Day
The devil is in the details for comics. Everything from making sure the number of ridges on Batman’s bat symbol remain the same on every page, to making sure Green Lantern’s ring is drawn, to making sure a character’s race stays the same are all important things to keep an eye on for artists. The latter might seem like an easy one not to mess up, but you’d be surprised. A promo image for the DC reboot the New 52 featured a powered-up Green Lantern, sans ring, because the inker forgot to add it. The Walking Dead #179 also featured a black character who had not been colored properly in her first appearance.